Testing Swift
By Omer Cagri Sayir•
Why test?
To develop the app better. Also, it helps to understand our expectations.
+ U
--> Starts the test in XCode
import XCTest
--> Imports the framework
By default, all types and their properties have an "internal" protection level. @testable attribute automatically gives your tests the same access to code.
Private code is supposed to be private, and so it should NOT be tested.
class func setup() -> setup() -> testFunc1() -> teardown() -> setup() -> testFunc2() -> teardown -> class func teardown()
Example Unit Test
struct Converter { func converToCelsius(fahrenfeit: Double) -> Double { return (fahrenheit - 32) * 5 / 9 } }
func testFahrenheitToCelsius() { let sut = Converter() let input1 = 30.0 let output1 = sut.convertToCelsius(fahrenheit: input1) XCTAssertEqual(output1, 0) let input2 = 210.0 let output2 = sut.convertToCelsius(fahrenheit: input2) XCTAssertEqual(output2, 100) }
Note: sut is special for unit tests. It's short for "system under test" and its used to refer whatever object you are testing in the code.